Adventures in Iguazu

Iguazu Falls seems like a world away, and to be honest, it kinda is. But it is definitely worth the trip.

You can reach Iguazu via a 2 hour plane ride from Buenos Aires or an hour flight from Rio Brazil.

There are many tour groups available from either countries, but to be honest, you don’t really need to join a tour group. The town of Iguazu is very small and it is very easy to get around.

My friend Sarantos and I flew from Buenos Aires, his dream destination. But as soon as we landed in Iguazu, he quickly said “Iguazu is a lot more magical than Buenos Aires.” And it is true.

Many Argentinians don’t speak English (I speak a little Spanish). But we got lucky and our taxi driver Carlos, who drove us from the airport in Iguazu to our hotel, was so kind and friendly.

He was so kind, friendly and nice that we bonded immediately. I asked for his Instagram account and we asked him again to drive us into the town later that evening.

He was soooooo sweet, he showed us around the town and helped us run errands too.

He took us around several places which was great. Because the following day, we had to bolt out of Iguazu to go home to the Philippines for my mom. So it was great that we got to see quite a bit.

He drove us around to show us where the locals live, the other hotels, and to a park where the borders of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meets.

As a thank you, we took him to a nice restaurant. When the bill came, this 22 year old kid asked us how much his share was for his meal (it would have cost him his entire day’s wage). He was such a class act.
He was such an amazing kid- so nice, fun, trustworthy and well mannered. We will definitely stay in touch.

The following day, he drove us to the Iguazu park. It costs about $12 to get in. Wear hiking shoes because you will need to walk around the park through pathways, bridges and rocky paths to get around the park.

Tip- try to get to the park on weekdays, or exactly at 8 am when it opens! You will have the entire park to yourself!

There are two sides to the waterfall- the Argentina side or the Brazil side.

We planned on seeing both but due to a personal emergency, we had to leave right away. This gives me reason to come back!


Quaint and Cute Colonia, Uruguay

If you’re ever in Buenos Aires and have an extra day, a trip to Colonia, Uruguay can be a good’re ever in Buenos Aires and have an extra day, a trip to Colonia, Uruguay can be a good idea.

You can visit its UNESCO World Heritage Site old town and have a taste of Uruguay cuisine.

The Banque Bus ferry takes about an hour and a half and it is a pretty decent ship (spring for first class if you can). They sell food on the ferry and have very clean washrooms. It even has a duty free store.

The ferry costs about $90 round trip, and about $125 if you want to Include a walking tour.

From Colonia, there are beautiful, modern buses that can take you to Montevideo if you want to explore further.

Not gonna lie- you have to check in (takes 20 min) and stand in line at immigration (another 20 to 30 minutes or so) in both countries. I wish they can streamline this process.

Five hours At Colonia Uruguay should be plenty of time to walk around and enjoy a nice lunch by the ocean.


We met this lovely and hilarious American woman, Charlotte, on the boat. She was a hoot! We love her!

At Old Town Colonia


This light house is the focal point of the small fortress village.


These antique plates were so beautiful


Beautiful handcrafted hats by the locals


Okay, the water isn’t exactly crystal clear or emerald. But it is still a charming town.


There are so many stray dogs- but they all look healthy and were very friendly.


Buenos Aires is Muy Bueno!

  • I have been to Argentina before (2014), while I loved it, I really had no intentions of coming back. But my friend Sarantos begged me. (I am not good at saying “No”).

Surprisingly, I loved it. I feel like it is a new city again. There are so many new things and the city is now so much cleaner, and more organized. Hotels are more upscale and restaurants, too. The city have undergone a massive makeover.

The downside- the prices have more than doubled since 2014. Hotels in Buenos Aires used to average $70/night. That’s gone now. Want to stay at the Four Seasons? That’s $650/night.

I stayed at 725 Continental Hotel just a few blocks from the Obelisk and enjoyed its central location.

But one thing remains – people here are still
insanely beautiful and kind. People always ask me, “Where do you think people are the prettiest?” I would say Argentinians always rank on my Top 5. I think it’s in the water.

Glad to be back! And I will come back again

La Vida, La Boca

When I first visisted La Boca in 2014, I thought “This awful place is a tourist spot?”

But much has changed in 9 years. The place is much more attractive and cleaner. It also has sooo many fun stores and trendy restaurants offering the most delicious meals!

La Boca is a working-class area with a cluster very colorful and vibrant homes and buildings. Steakhouses, cocktail bars and street artists surround Caminito, a narrow alley flanked by brightly painted shacks that evoke the district’s early immigrant days.

It is definitely a MUST visit if you’re ever in Argentina. To get here- get in a cab, show them these photos and they’ll know where to take you.

Just 3-4 blocks away from here is the world famous La Boca Stadium where they play football games at.

Note: Please come during the day- it is not an area you’d like to be walking around at night.

  • Edwin drinking soda
    Colorful wall. Balcony with statues.
  • Colorful homes

Taiwan Diary

This is my second trip to Taiwan. Our family loved it so much when we visited 3 years ago, that we decided to come back.

What is not to love? The accommodations are fairly inexpensive, it Is safe, clean, and there are a lot of things to see and do.

The first time we visited, we stayed at one of the 4 Tango Inm Hotel near Shillin Night Market, known for its vibrant night life of shopping and dining. This time, because there are 14 of us, we stayed at the Midtown Richardson Hotel in the center of Ximending area, another shopping district of Taipei. (As you may have guessed, my family’s trips always revolve around eating and shopping. (And at the end of each trip, we always wonder how we gained so much weight LOL).

A few tips:

1) If you’re going to Taipei, stay near Shillin or Ximending. Theyre not exactly Ritz Carlton type areas, but they are the real Taipei- busy and bustling!
2) For luxury shopping- head on to the two Breeze Malls or Taipei 101 (a mall at one of the talllest buildings in the world).

3) Don’t rent a car- they have an amazing bus, metro rail, taxi and inexpensive uber system. Use Googie Maps and you can choose the best option that fits your budget. It is so easy to get around and everything seems to be 15-22 min away.

4) Taiwan isnt just about shopping- they also have great street food choices.

5) Taiwan also has Uber Eats in case you prefer to stay in.

6) Taiwainese people are so kind, polite, and helpful. They don’t speak English as well Filipinos, but you will manage.

7) Taiwan is a small country- but there are so many things to do here and it has so many cool attractions from massive malls to cool museums to trendy restaurants to historical temples.

8) Check the weather before you visit! They have 4 seasons in Taiwan- so pack your jackets if you’re visiting in the winter months! (And swimsuits in the summer months).


The Riga Christmas Market is a Magical Experience

I am a sucker for a European Christmas Market. Generally, they open on the first week of December and close on Dec 23. They open around 10 am til 10 pm (in bigger cities, they close at midnight).

The stalls offer everything from homemade holiday decorations, local arts and crafts, local delicacies, cheese, wine, and handmade clothes and accessories (basically nothing that says “Made in China”).

Each city or town in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Baltics has one. You can also see these in France, Italy, and Spain (although not quite the same).
It is a social activity for family and friends. They serve mulled wine, different types of delicacies, and even desserts.

The biggest one I have ever been to is the Vienna Christmas Market. It is pretty, although I think it is too big and lacks that intimate feeling. The smaller one in Salzburg is charming.

I also love the Christmas market in Munich’s Marien Platz. They sometimes even have carolers singing Christmas melodies. There are so many food options there.

The Christmas Market in Frankfurt is way too small and too packed in my opinion. The carousel is beautiful, though.

The Christmas Market in Riga, Latvia, is one of the smallest markets I have ever been to. But what it lacks in size, it makes up for in heart. Such a beautiful setting! If I could only describe it in one word, I would say “Magical.”

Everyone has a favorite market … visit these countries this winter and find your own favorite!

Memorable Latvia

I arrived here not knowing what to expect. Honestly, I have been so busy that I had no time to do my research.

However, two months before my trip, I messaged my friend Andy who works for the US Foreign Affairs if it was safe to come to Latvia.

He just rolled his eyes at me. LOL “Yes, why not? It is very safe there! Go!”
The Riga Airport, though small, is very clean, organized, and modern. You even have dozens and dozens of taxis to choose from. (Some are even Mercedes Benz).

I stayed at Wellton Centrum and Spa which is smack in the heart of the city and the Old Town district. This was the best decision ever! The place has adequate rooms, but they’re clean and such great value. Most of all, it is within walking distance to many restaurants, charming coffee shops, tourist attractions and shopping (the mall is just across the street).
I had the perfect timing too- it has been snowing nonstop since I got here. Yup- I love snow! Haha Although locals gave me a weird look when I told them I am here for a vacation, “Latvia in November? Really?” You should have seen their faces. It was though I was crazy.

Don’t you worry, folks, you will see me here again!

Acropolis: Gem of Athens

My skin is glowing, right? Hahaha That is sweat right there. Hahaha It is seriously 96 degrees and humid. He wanted to go up soooo badly, and it is our only reason we are back in Athens. So we had to do it.

I was dying because you have to hike up this long windy, path. And you’re sweating soooo badly. Hahaha I hate the heat- but I do have to admit, it was worth it once you get up there. Pretty amazing views and architecture.

Tip for you- bring bottled water with you. Hydrate hyrdrate hyrdate!

Klima: Fishing for Compliments


Klima is the most picturesque fishing village in Milos and is worth seeing. INSANE!!! This beautiful village is situated near Tripiti, on the side of the Gulf of Milos. The scenic beauty of Klima has old fishermen’s houses carved into the rocks and brightly colored wooden doors. The sunset here is an amazing experience. The drive down may be challenging but worth it!

The Power of Pause

Photos taken in Paros, Greece

    Amazing Paros, Greece

Santa Maria Beach, Paros, Greece

Lighthouse, Paros Greece
When your cellphone or computer is stuck- what do you do? You restart it. And then it starts working again. Right?

That is the power of PAUSE! The power of starting over! Your mind and body sometimes need to unplug from your daily life and work and just recharge. And that is what I am doing. It is easier said than done- In fact, it is brave to get away. To leave your home, work, business, family and commitments and just get away—- and pray that things don’t fall apart while youre away.

Don’t wait until you’re too old and weak before you make time for yourself or do the things you love or fulfill your dreams. DO IT NOW! Take that vacation. Enroll in that dance class. Read that book. Learn that new hobby. Pursue your passion!

Because if not now, when?